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News - £1,000 for Organic Growers of Fairlie - July 2014...

£1,000 for Organic Growers of Fairlie - July 2014

Community Windpower Ltd is proud to support the Organic Growers of Fairlie who run a local Community Garden. The residents of Fairlie and surrounding villages have converted a derelict, brownfield site into a grow-your-own mini allotment garden for everybody to enjoy. The Fairlie Organic Garden enables local people to learn how to grow their own organic produce and process their kitchen waste through composting and vermiculture. Approximately 150 members grow herbs, fruit and vegetables in the garden and many other local groups such as school clubs and the scouts use the facilities.

Members of the Organic Growers of Fairlie who occupy the gardens wish to enhance the environment by planting more trees and shrubs and creating a wildlife pond. This will encourage a variety of wildlife to the garden and provide an additional learning tool for school children and interest groups. To help with the work involved, Community Windpower has donated £1,000 to the group which will cover the cost of a pond liner, bedding sand, wood for a dipping platform, plants for within and around the pond and educational literature.

On Saturday 14th June 2014, the Organic Growers of Fairlie were invited to attend Community Windpower’s Family Open Day in order to further promote their group and to sell their homegrown produce to raise more funds.

Nancy Macqueen, Head Gardener and Secretary of the Organic Growers of Fairlie commented:

“We are delighted that Community Windpower and BeGreen are helping us with funding for our pond. It will be a great asset and resource for ourselves and the whole community and we appreciate your involvement in our project.”

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