News - Dunbar Day Centre - £779.98 - Energy Efficiency Grant...
Dunbar Day Centre, established in 1976 is the longest day centre facility in East Lothian. The day centre provides vital health & social care support for older people and unpaid carers in the Dunbar, West barns, Spott, Stenton & the Innerwick area. The day centre is only just beginning to get back to some sort of normality since the Covid-19 pandemic.
Community Windpower and BeGreen have helped the Day Centre a number of years ago but it was on a recent visit to the building that prompted Anouska Woods, BeGreen Community Co-ordinator to offer support, "I popped along to meet Maria, a member of the Day Centre team, after she got in contact regarding energy bills. The day centre is a lovely old building but you could see that it could benefit from some energy efficiency measures being put in place and by doing so had the potential to bring the energy bills down. The insulation had recently been completed which was great but the lighting was old and inefficient and needed replacing. This grant will be going towards the installation of LED lighting which should not only help with energy bills but will create a better ambiance throughout the building. It was also noted that the curtains that were in place were thin and not really doing anything in terms of keeping in the heat or protecting against draught issues so it's good that this grant will also fund new thermal curtains. It's great to be supporting such a well used centre and we're pleased it's users are able to get back and enjoy the services the day centre offers."
To find out more about Dunbar Care Centre, you can like their Facebook page, Dunbar Day Centre | Facebook
If you think your group, organisation or charity could benefit from our Community Funding, why not get in contact with us today on 01368 863720.
Photos shows Jamie, the Day Centre Manager with the BeGreen donation.