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Covid-19 fund launched in North Ayrshire

Community Windpower and the Dalry Parish Boundary Trust have launched a £65,000 Covid-19 fund to directly support health and charitable organisations in North Ayrshire.

It is already being used to provide up to £1,000 of food for North Ayrshire Foodbank every week and £10,000 of essential equipment to local medical centres through North Ayrshire Council’s Health and Social Care Partnership.

The financial support in North Ayrshire through the new Covid-19 fund, will see money diverted from Millour Hill Community Wind Farms’ community benefit funds, via the Dalry Parish Boundary Trust, and directly from Community Windpower itself.

It’s part of Community Windpower reallocation of £235,000 of financial support across the areas around its seven operational wind farms across Scotland, and it is looking to increase this in the coming weeks.

Diane Wood, community benefits director at Community Windpower, said: “We’re living in worrying and unprecedented times for everyone, and now is the time we need to dig deep and help people in communities that are being negatively impacted by this Covid-19 crisis.

“Our support to the local communities began a few weeks ago, but we quickly realised from speaking to organisations that wider help was urgently required. That’s why we have now created this official fund in North Ayrshire, alongside financial support to organisations we have ongoing partnerships with.

“We’ve done this to ensure the money we provide reaches those who need it most.”

In North Ayrshire the fund is being run by the Dalry Parish Boundary Trust, which manages the community benefit fund from both our Millour Hill Community Wind Farms.

Robert Barr, chairperson at the Dalry Parish Boundary Trust, said: “With the monies received from Community Windpower over the last five years we have distributed funds of approximately £80,000 per annum to all age groups and other activities in the area for example Dalry Scouts and Dalry Guides.

“With the recent virus outbreak we agreed with the parent company to ring fence £65,000 to assist group’s that are assisting the general public in any way during this unprecedented crisis.

“I would like to thank the management team from Community Windpower for their assistance with us in setting this up.”

The funds are currently accepting individual applications of up to £2,500, although this is subject to review and will depend on each case.

For more information on the North Ayrshire fund, applications should contact John Smith at the Dalry Parish Boundary Trust on 07768 017 864 or email

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