News - £5000 donation - Dunbar Coronavirus Response Team...
Community Windpower & BeGreen Dunbar are pleased to announce our first donation from our new COVID-19 Crisis Fund.
Diane Wood, Community Benefits Director said: “The East Lothian fund, through our BeGreen Dunbar centre, is now open to applications from registered organisations, and we’re looking at providing decisions on all applications within 48 hours.
“We’re also working with a number of other organisations across Scotland to provide financial support, and will ensure the money we provide reaches those who need it most.”
This fund is currently accepting individual applications of up to £2,500, although this is subject to review and will depend on each case.
Among the organisations that have already benefited from Community Windpower’s assistance is the Dunbar & District Coronavirus Community Helpers.
Ian Hamilton, a member of the Dunbar Coronavirus Response Team, said: “The support from Community Windpower’s BeGreen Dunbar centre came long before either government money or other charity funding became available.
“This speed of financial support meant we could work with families and local people almost immediately and this was crucial in us being able to have a positive impact.
“We intend to use the money to primarily fund foodstuffs, hot meals for the vulnerable, clothing and payment for utilities.
“It’s at times like these that we rely on the likes of Community Windpower, and we can’t thank the company enough for the support it’s provided.”
The East Lothian fund is being coordinated by Anouska Woods from BeGreen Dunbar. To apply to the fund, please contact Anouska on 07747 787 192 or email anouska_begreendunbar@btconnect.com
Photo shows: Yvonne Wemyss - back to camera and Viv Cupples delivering shopping.