News - Longniddry Primary School - Presentation and Trip to Aikengall Windfarm...
With climate change now a topic in the School curriculum, this has shown an increase in demand for school trips to our Aikengall Windfarm.
Back at the beginning of March, Rob Lynch, Community Windpowers Operations Manager & David Currie our BeGreen Energy Assessor were invited to visit Longniddry Primary School to deliver a talk on renewable energy and talk about the importance of renewable green energy. They visited the school in the morning and discussed the various types of energy and the different ways they are produced.
Rob our Operations Manager delivered a demonstration on how the Wind Turbines are serviced and allowed the children to try on some climbing harnesses and kit while David our Energy Advisor built some model turbines with the class and they were impressed that the turbines powered the lightbulb!
David Currie was delighted to be part of the busy day, "With the Scottish curriculum changing to include more learning on renewables we have been so busy with presentations and trips. It's great we can be part of this and teach the children the importance and differences in the renewable industry. We had a great day with the children from Longniddry Primary School. It worked out well visiting the school first to tell them about the turbines but the icing on the cake was definitely taking a trip up to our Aikengall Windfarm in the afternoon. We took them to one of the highest points on the site, where we disembarked the coach next to 'William the Wind Turbine'. The children were asking lots of questions and had a great day, as did we. Here's to the next trip!"
Photo shows Rob Lynch with some of the Longniddry Pupils.