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News - Issue 7 of East Coast Today is now available! – 11th December 2018...

Issue 7 of East Coast Today is now available! – 11th December 2018

The Winter issue of East Coast Today has now been released to the public and has been distributed free around Dunbar and East Lothian. East Coast Today provides the latest news and information about BeGreen Dunbar and District’s work in the local community, providing a platform for local community groups to advertise their work.     

The 16 page Winter edition includes articles detailing the work carried out by local community groups with the assistance of Community Windpower and the BeGreen Energy Advice Centre on Dunbar High Street. This includes information on the Talking Books initiative, Dunbar Dementia Carers Groups, East Lothian Foodbank, as well as the huge grant given to Belhaven Surf Centre to fund new heating technologies for their proposed new surf centre building.

The paper also shows how the BeGreen Dunbar Centre has assisted with the repainting and revitalisation of Dunbar High Street, and how members of the community have benefited from BeGreen’s free energy assessments. BeGreen have also been offering up their premises and window display for free, for community groups and organisations to advertise their work. You can find out how this benefited the Dunbar branch of UNICEF in this issue, who recently used the space to host a huge fundraising project.

You can also find out what BeGreen have been up to in local schools, including giving a presentation to Innerwick Primary School about electricity and renewable energy and assisting with the hire of a climbing wall for Dunbar Primary School’s fundraising event at John Muir Campus.

Don’t miss the sports section which shows Dunbar United Colts 2004 in their brand new kit, purchased with CWL’s sponsorship, and details how BeGreen have assisted Shot and Discus athlete, Ward Berry.

Pick up your copy of the paper at the BeGreen Dunbar Energy Advice Centre, as well as from local shops. Alternatively, you can click here to read the newspaper online or download a copy.

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of East Coast Today and learning about what is happening in the Dunbar and East Lothian area, thanks to funding from Aikengall Community Wind Farm, owned and operated by Community Windpower Ltd.   

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