News - Ward Berry - Transplant Games - May 2018...
Community Windpower are delighted to be helping Ward Berry on his way to the European Transplant Games in Sardinia next month.
Ward, who lives in Dunbar, first became ill in 1995 with the auto immune disease PSC which then led to him having a liver transplant 3 years later. If this wasn't enough for Ward to deal with he later had abdominal surgery, was diagnosed with diabetes and won the fight against cancer!
Our latest edition of East Coast Today is what prompted Ward to come in to the BeGreen office in the High Street, Dunbar. He said, "I'd just finished reading the free paper that BeGreen do and noticed that they'd helped a number of individuals and wondered if they would be able to help me, I never thought in a million years that they would! So when Anouska (BeGreen Community Co-ordinator) phoned and gave me the good news I was speechless. I am so grateful to Community Windpower and BeGreen Dunbar for their generous donation. I have competed in numerous competitions and have won lots of medals, so I am looking forward to hopefully bringing another one home to Dunbar. All the athletes have to self fund for the games so this is great help."
Everyone at Community Windpower and BeGreen Dunbar would like to wish Ward all the best and Good Luck for the Transplant games next month.
For more information please visit http://www.cagliarietdsc2018.it/
Photo shows David Currie, BeGreen and Ward Berry.