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News - Community Windpower Sponsorship - Dunbar branch of UNICEF - £500 - March 9th 2018...

Community Windpower Sponsorship - Dunbar branch of UNICEF - £500 - March 9th 2018

Community Windpower Ltd are no strangers in helping out the Dunbar branch of UNICEF. They first sponsored the branch in 2012 and then again in 2014. So when the branch contacted us 4 years later we were delighted to help out, especially as it is such a big year for the branch.

Margaret Laidlaw MBE, chairperson of the branch is so grateful for the sponsorship. “Community Windpower Ltd and BeGreen Dunbar have been a fantastic support over the years but this is a very special year as we are in our 30th year and we hope to raise £30,000. We are so grateful to Community Windpower for their kind donation of £500. This money will help us in a big way to reach our target but also enable us to provide 3 water pumps (for clean disposable water) overseas. We have had a variety of events and still have lots planned and we look forward to hitting our target. A special thank you again for all your help. We are going to have a UNICEF display in the BeGreen office in May so we hope everyone will come along and see what we have been up to.”

If you would like more information on upcoming events or would like to support the Dunbar branch of UNICEF please call Mrs Laidlaw on 01368 864978

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