News - January News 2016...
January has been a very busy start to the New Year for BeGreen Dunbar. Grants have been awarded in all areas of energy efficiency as well as lots of free advice been given out.
With it being rather cold in the last couple of weeks this has prompted people to come in and have a chat about insulation. In the last two weeks alone BeGreen Dunbar, which is funded by Community Windpower, have paid out over £1,300 in insulation grants for local homes and have approved many more applications. Insulation has a major role to play in energy efficiency and can save up to 40% in heating bills. It’s not just the winter months where the insulation can help keep your house warmer but also in the summer months it can keep the house cooler.
We have also seen a rise in the purchase and installation of wood burning stoves, solar PV systems and biomass boilers. During January, BeGreen Dunbar has helped by paying out over £6,000 in renewable energy grants for solar PV systems. This is fantastic progress in reducing carbon emissions, becoming more environmentally friendly in the fight to tackle climate change.
We continually receive very positive feedback on these grants and in many cases people wouldn’t even have considered installing solar without that little bit of help from BeGreen/CW.
Local resident David who recently installed solar panels to his house said “Without the BeGreen top up grant we wouldn’t have considered installing solar but it’s helped out a lot. The process was straight forward and all information given was clear and any questions answered promptly. I would recommend BeGreen to family and friends.”
If you would like to find out more about what we do here at BeGreen Dunbar, please visit our Energy Advice Centre at 55 High Street, Dunbar. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook @BeGreenDunbar.