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News - Acorns planted by Pupils - 12th May 2014...

Acorns planted by Pupils - 12th May 2014

Pupils from Innerwick Primary School and Cockburnspath Primary School took part in the first stage of an Acorn Planting Project organised by Community Windpower Ltd. The project is a two phase scheme designed to get schools in proximity to the operational Aikengall Community Wind Farm involved in planting trees that will form part of the Habitat Management planting scheme.

The project is being led by Liz Parsons, owner of ecological consultancy Starling Learning, Roland Hunt, Associate Director at Community Windpower and Chloe Morris, Project Assistant at Community Windpower.

The first phase of the Acorn Planting Project was kick-started with a two hour session being held at each school. Liz Parsons led the activity and provided an educational and interactive talk to each school. The pupils were taught about plants, ecosystems and habitat management, with plants being shown to illustrate different phases of their growth. Liz then explained that each pupil would be contributing to the planting of Oak trees which would later in the year be planted out at the Aikengall Wind Farm which is located nearby.

The pupils were then taken outside to take part in three planting activities. The first involved filling pots with soil and planting the acorns with Liz and Chloe. Each pupil was given a number of pots to fill which they will now nurture and water until the trees are ready to be replanted at the Wind Farm in the Autumn. This will form the second phase of the project, whereby students will be able to plant their own trees and watch them grow for years to come.

There was a second activity which involved creating a ‘Mini-Beast Hotel’ using sticks, leaves and grass from within the school grounds. Pupils then found mini-beasts to fill their hotel with, identifying creatures as they ran across their hands. Students at Cockburnspath Primary discovered a number of leopard slugs beneath piles of leaves, whilst pupils of Innerwick discovered frogs in pools in the rim of tyres.

Roland led the third activity which involved planting young saplings of Blackthorn and other deciduous trees within the School grounds to form hedgerows.

The Pupils thoroughly enjoyed both the talk and getting their hands dirty planting up the trees and searching for mini-beast. They learned how to dig the ground, plant and back fill the soils, and every single pupil showed great interest and excitement in the whole learning experience. The teachers and pupils from both schools thanked us for arranging the event and commented that it fitted well into their learning curriculum.

Everyone involved is looking forward to the next stage in this project and seeing the results of the hard work put in by both pupils and teachers at Cockburnspath and Innerwick Primary Schools.

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