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Another successful Scifest

BeGreen attended Dunbar Scifest's 4th annual event at the weekend . It was a great success and was  really well attended with lots of new and exciting things to see and participate in. Well done Dee and Co!

Thanks to  those of you that  came along to the BeGreen stand. We had a steady stream of visitors Saturday and Sunday and an overwhelming 102 entries to  this year’s family energy efficiency quiz. We are awarding two £20 shop local vouchers this year to Marina from Kelso and Fin from Dunbar. Well done and enjoy shopping local with your vouchers!

Thank again to Mark James our energy auditor for testing our awareness on energy saving issues in the home! The answers are below if you  want to see how you did !

We received several enquiries for energy use in the home, so if you requested one of our free home energy audits we will be in touch with you shortly to arrange one.


                                               BeGreen Energy Saving Quiz - Questions and Answers 


1. What uses the most hot water? 

A short shower is best, but if you spend ages in the shower (20mins) it can use more than a deep bath.

2. How much energy can you save by washing clothes at 300C? 

40%! Most of the energy used to wash clothes is for heating the water. Only put your clothes in the wash when they are dirty. 


3. What normally uses the most energy for re heating leftovers? 

The Oven. You have to heat up the whole oven. Choose a microwave or a pan with a lid.

4. How much energy is saved by recycling two glass bottles? Enough to boil how much H2O? 

5 Kettles! Recycling reduces the amount of raw materials needed to make new packaging. 

Around the home

5. What does NOT save energy? 

Leaving TV on. Turn things off when you’re not using them, including lights and games consoles


6. How much could you save a year by turning down the thermostat by 10C? 

£75 try wearing a jumper or a fleece rather than turning up the heating

7. What play uses the least energy? 

Playing outside – its good for you too, as you get exercise and fresh air. Using your console and TV uses most.


8. Energy sucking “vampire” appliances left on standby. How much do they cost a year?

 £60 enough for a real treat! Make sure everything is turned off at the wall


Getting Around

9. Getting to school or work - which uses the most energy? 

A car. You get fresh air, exercise and are more awake if you walk or cycle. It doesn’t rain very often, if it does put on waterproofs

10. You are in the car waiting for a friend, should you ask the driver to…. 

Turn off engine, if waiting for more than 10 secs, the engine uses more fuel and pollutes the air 


11. Why is it good to save energy 

ALL are good reasons



12. What is the cheapest way to make your home more energy efficient? 

All are effective but the cheapest is to Install draughtproofing, stopping heat leaving through gaps; around doors, windows and chimneys. 

Community Wind Power

13. How many windturbines are at Aikengall Community Windfarm?



14. How many homes do Community Wind Power generate electricity for? 


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