Washing |
1. What uses the most hot water? A short shower is best, but if you spend ages in the shower (20mins) it can use more than a deep bath. | 2. How much energy can you save by washing clothes at 300C? 40%! Most of the energy used to wash clothes is for heating the water. Only put your clothes in the wash when they are dirty. |
Kitchen |
3. What normally uses the most energy for re heating leftovers? The Oven. You have to heat up the whole oven. Choose a microwave or a pan with a lid. | 4. How much energy is saved by recycling two glass bottles? Enough to boil how much H2O? 5 Kettles! Recycling reduces the amount of raw materials needed to make new packaging. |
Around the home |
5. What does NOT save energy? Leaving TV on. Turn things off when you’re not using them, including lights and games consoles | 6. How much could you save a year by turning down the thermostat by 10C? £75 try wearing a jumper or a fleece rather than turning up the heating |
7. What play uses the least energy? Playing outside – its good for you too, as you get exercise and fresh air. Using your console and TV uses most. | 8. Energy sucking “vampire” appliances left on standby. How much do they cost a year? £60 enough for a real treat! Make sure everything is turned off at the wall |
Getting Around |
9. Getting to school or work - which uses the most energy? A car. You get fresh air, exercise and are more awake if you walk or cycle. It doesn’t rain very often, if it does put on waterproofs | 10. You are in the car waiting for a friend, should you ask the driver to…. Turn off engine, if waiting for more than 10 secs, the engine uses more fuel and pollutes the air |
General |
11. Why is it good to save energy ALL are good reasons | 12. What is the cheapest way to make your home more energy efficient? All are effective but the cheapest is to Install draughtproofing, stopping heat leaving through gaps; around doors, windows and chimneys. |
Community Wind Power |
13. How many windturbines are at Aikengall Community Windfarm? 16 | 14. How many homes do Community Wind Power generate electricity for? 30,000 |