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News - Energy Efficiency measures installed in 2013 - Overview and Case Studies...
During 2013, many local residents were assisted through the East Lothian Care & Repair draught proofing initiative with small energy efficiency measures installed in the homes of eligible householders. In 2013, £620 was spent on purchasing draught proofing materials for 66 homes who received free draught proofing to their windows and doors, which was fitted by the Care & Repair ‘Small Repair’s’ Service. A £380 grant was also provided to Sustaining Dunbar to purchase draught proofing materials to support their free draught proofing service for local residents. Their service is delivered by the Sustaining Dunbar Energy Advisors to local householders and around 40 homes have been helped so far with draught proofing. The draught proofing service ensures that windows and doors are draught proof, which in return saves around £30 on annual fuel bills. In addition, this work also improves general home comfort and reduces carbon footprints by an estimated 0.1 tonnes of carbon a year. In addition to this, some larger energy efficiency projects were assisted by BeGreen Dunbar which included: - Mr Johnstone of Dunbar received £228 grant to top up the loft insulation in his 1970’s semi – detached home. The insulation will save him around £70 a year on his annual fuel bill and 0.3 tonnes of CO2 a year. Mr Johnstone commented on BeGreen saying: “An excellent service .Especially impressed by the advice and assistance on technical and procedural matters”.
- Mr Holland of Dunbar received a £500 grant towards upgrading his old gas boiler which was over 20 years. This will help him save around £160 a year on his fuel bills and 0.7 tonnes of CO2 a year! Mr Holland commented “This grant has been good for us, being pensioners. The service is very good from BeGreen“
- Mr Hamilton of Belhaven received a £500 grant towards installing internal insulation in his 18th century home. The measures will help him save an estimated £50 on his annual fuel bill and a carbon saving of around 0.3 tonnes a year. Mr Hamilton said “The helpful advice and support received from BeGreen Dunbar has, I feel, enabled the successful restoration of this building, allowing us to strike a sympathetic balance between minimising heat loss whilst preserving the more interesting historical features. The grant support has been very welcome, but over and above this, it has been the availability of advice and guidance at a local level from the BeGreen staff that has been the major factor in enabling us to achieve all that we have done.”
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