News - CWL donates over £4,000 to upgrade Innerwick Primary School outdoor shelter...
Innerwick Primary is a small rural East Lothian Primary School dedicated to providing its pupils with an inclusive and engaging learning environment. As part of this commitment, the school is currently preparing to upgrade its outdoor shelter, with the aim of transforming the space into an active and stimulating learning environment. CWL are delighted to be contributing towards this goal by providing over £4,000 in funding to cover the full cost of renovation, including providing new softer flooring and comfy outdoor beanbags which will last many years. The renovated shelter will be designed to act as a quiet space at break times for children who like to play board games, colour, or read, as well as a semi-outdoor learning space for pupils to participate in engaging and stimulating learning experiences. The new soft and durable flooring will allow children to sit and work comfortably on the ground, as well as participate in practical activities such as circle time games and science investigations. Commenting on the importance of this upgraded learning space, Joanne Legge, Head Teacher at Innerwick Primary, said: “Allowing our learners to access a variety of outdoor spaces gives us many more opportunities to develop stimulating and engaging learning experiences. Our pupils tell us that they love learning outdoors. The shelter space is a fantastic half-way house in that it allows children to have a clean space to work in which also has easy access to the outdoors.” Anouska Woods, Community Coordinator at BeGreen Dunbar, said: “We at BeGreen Dunbar and CWL are proud to, once again, be providing funding to help develop local schools within the East Lothian area. This shelter will offer the pupils of Innerwick Primary an incredible safe place to socialise and engage in active learning. We hope the children at Innerwick have an amazing time using this wonderful facility.” |