News - Grant for important defibrillator upgrades in Dunbar...
The Dunbar area is host to many life-saving defibrillators and, this October, twenty sets of the defibrillator pads are due to be replaced. To preserve the essential service and safety net which is provided by these defibrillators, Community Windpower and BeGreen Dunbar were approached by The East Berwickshire & Dunbar Area Community First Responders to cover the cost of these upgrades. The Community First Responders will also use part of the £3900 funding to install four outdoor heated defibrillator cabinets, which will allow four defibrillators to be positioned outside of businesses and buildings in Dunbar. They will therefore be freely accessible no matter the time of day or night. Every defibrillator in Dunbar is registered on The Circuit: a national defibrillator network which lets the ambulance service know where the nearest device is in case of a medical emergency. This funding will ensure that the communities in and around Dunbar remain protected as, tragically, cardiac issues and emergencies can strike at any time. Anouska Woods, Community Coordinator at BeGreen Dunbar, said: “The work that our volunteer Community First Responders do is invaluable, and their efforts are supported by these life-saving devices placed strategically throughout our community. “Having four defibrillators available 24/7, no matter the time or weather, is comforting, especially knowing that they are kitted out with new electrode pads.” |