News - East Lothian cub scout group funded by Covid-19 crisis fund...
Community Windpower’s joint Covid-19 crisis fund with BeGreen has supported many charities, schools, NHS trusts and other organisations across East Lothian. The fund was set up in April as part of Community Windpower’s £255,000 package to help communities around its wind farms across Scotland deal with the pandemic. It is now supporting the 1st Dunbar Cub Scout Group as the pack prepares to return to meeting face-to-face again, following months apart. A grant of £1,350 has been awarded from the Covid-19 crisis fund to help ensure the 24 cubs, two leaders and two volunteers can meet up safely, following government guidelines. The money is vital to the group because it’s been unable to carry out any fundraising activities or collect subscriptions, which helps towards replacing equipment, purchasing badges, taking the cubs out on adventurous activities, camping and other days out. Leaders at the 1st Dunbar Cub Scout Group will use the majority of the funding to provide a hand sanitiser station and hand sanitiser in preparation of the pack meeting up together again. It will also support the purchase of branded face masks, to ensure all safety measures are taken during the regular meetings. In addition, the money will be used to purchase wellbeing activity bags, to keep up the scout spirit, along with individual cub stationary packs. Diane Wood, community benefits director at Community Windpower, which operates the Aikengall Community Wind Farms in East Lothian, said: “The 1st Dunbar Cub Scout Group is one of a number of fantastic local groups that help provide children in the area with long-term skills and personal development. “The joint Covid-19 crisis fund with BeGreen in Dunbar was set up so we could support local groups whose normal funding mechanism has been negatively impacted by the pandemic. “We want to support all members of the community during this Covid-19 pandemic, which is why we didn’t hesitate when the group applied for funding. “We hope the cubs can once again enjoy seeing and interacting with each other, and generally have fun.” For more information on the East Lothian Covid-19 crisis fund or to apply for support, contact Anouska Woods at BeGreen Dunbar on 07747 787 192 or anouska@communitywindpower.co.uk |