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News - An update from BeGreen Dunbar and Community Windpower sponsored skier, Murdo Watson...

An update from BeGreen Dunbar and Community Windpower sponsored skier, Murdo Watson

We recently heard from Murdo Watson, the young skier from Dunbar who’s make a name for himself on the slopes.

Through our BeGreen Dunbar centre, we agreed last year to support Murdo financially in his quest to further his skiing credentials.

And despite the 2019/20 season finishing early due to Covid-19, Murdo has recently been in touch to say it’s been his best year on the slopes.

The teenager, who attends Dunbar Grammar School, wrote to thank us for our support and let us know exactly how he got on.

Murdo said: “Despite the premature and abrupt end to the season due to COVID-19 outbreak and the final races of the year (British Championships) being cancelled, I have still managed to pick up four podium places and have ended the season ranked 7th in GB for slalom and 9th for giant slalom.

“I am also delighted to say that I have been selected for the Scottish Alpine Team and have also been invited to join the Ambition Race Academy in Austria for next season. These are both great achievements.

“The Scottish team selection is limited to the top Scottish athletes and Ambition is one of the best ski academies in Britain with an amazing pathway system for athletes to reach their full potential.

“I am already participating in a structured fitness program with Ambition for the summer period whilst we are unable to hit the slopes.

“I really could not have achieved these things without the help and generosity in sponsorship from Community Windpower and BeGreen Dunbar and I am very grateful.

“It has allowed me to pay for new skis and servicing equipment, training camps in Europe and in the UK, and race entry fees.

“Looking ahead, the plan is to do three weeks’ training in the late summer on the glaciers and on indoor slopes in Europe.

“I am hoping that the COVID-19 outbreak is controlled enough so that I am able to do this.

“The mat and indoor seasons should now have started but in our current situation this has not been the case.

“Again, I am hoping that there will still be an opportunity to train and race in the late summer and early autumn before the alpine season starts again.”

Murdo has also compiled a short video featuring some of his races from the 2019/20 season.

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