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News - Dunbar Grammar School School Allotment - £4000.52...

Dunbar Grammar School School Allotment - £4000.52

BeGreen and Community Windpower are excited to be working with Dunbar Grammar School with their school allotment and hen project.

A spokesperson for the project said, "The school had an allotment and hen enclosure previously which was a huge success. It provided an enviable educational space and opportunity for school pupils and for the community, in horticulture and care of livestock. It also provided subject education through Biology & Home Economics, through food growing. Modern studies and history (Sustainability education, local history as well as numeracy, literacy and enhancing general knowledge. It also had a positive contribution to good mental health for pupils and staff. Unfortunately with the new extension being built we have to change the location. A new polytunnel has been provided and now all we needed was all the garden and hen equipment and we are so grateful that BeGreen and Community Windpower have donated the funds for us to do so!"

Anouska Woods, BeGreen Community Co-Ordinator was delighted to part of this project. "When I first heard about this project I was so excited to be involved especially when they mentioned they are providing battery chickens with a new home! It's such a valuable project to be involved with especially as it covers so many learning areas as well as mental health. We popped round at the beginning of May to see some of the children setting it up. It will be a fantastic learning space when it is completed as well as learning along the way. We are looking forward to going back to see how it's progressing after the holidays."

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EH42 1EW
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