News - Jessica Howell – When you Wish Upon a Star – February 2019 - £1000 donation...
When Jessica Howell approached Community Windpower at the end of 2018 for support in achieving her goal fundraising target, Community Windpower were delighted to help out. Jessica was about to take on the huge task of walking part of the Arctic Circle in aid of the fantastic charity “When You Wish Upon a Star”. Jessica along with 17 other trekkers would be trekking the arctic for three days doing up to 20 miles a day, while pulling sledges, walking over frozen lakes, treading through snow dunes and spending nights in two man tents in freezing conditions. Jessica has been a keen volunteer over the years and when this opportunity arose she jumped at the chance to be involved with this charity again and fantastic group of trekkers. “Why are we doing the trek as a group? Our group of 18 trekkers are a very mixed group, with ages ranging from 26-60 all with different physical abilities. However we will work as a team to concur our target which is to raise enough to take up to 100 Scottish wish children and their families to Lapland for a magical Christmas adventure in December 2019. To do this we would have to raise £95,000. This includes chartering a plane and overnight accommodation for two nights for all the families. The reason the plane is chartered is because a lot of the children will be receiving treatments (for illness') because of this they are more vulnerable to infections. Chartering a plane will make sure it is clean and helps reduce the risk of them picking something up. It also gives their families a more personal experience as they will only be with other “Wish” families. The Charity also takes along paramedics, paediatricians and specialist doctors, this is to make sure the children's health is kept monitored and any additional medication/precautions are taken. The children will fly to Lapland early, getting there before sunrise. They will enjoy sleigh rides pulled by huskies, see reindeer, get involved in many activities, have a Christmas dinner, sing songs and dance away but maybe the most important for some will be to meet Father Christmas. It is a truly magical day for all that go, making those lasting memories for the families and putting smiles on the “Wish” children's faces. It’s a time when all of them can turn off from the daily battles they face and become children again, enjoying themselves with no worries. I have volunteered at many “Wish” days (children’s personal wishes) and treat days (these are what the charity puts on for groups of wish children, for example last Christmas we took over 50 families up to Glamis Castle for festive activities a beautiful Christmas dinner and to meet Father Christmas. These days are for the children and families to get together and have fun, the Lapland trip is classed as a treat and does not affect the individual Childs wish). For me it’s so nice to be part of putting smiles on children's faces who have been through so much in such a short time, also for the families to make memories and enjoy their children. The moment I really realised how much this charity changes the lives of the families and children I just knew I wanted to be part of it!” Another more personal reason for myself completing this trek and raising money for 'When You Wish Upon A Star' is my nephew. He developed a tumour. Although he would have been accepted for a “Wish” we can happily say that he is ‘okay’ now and we as a family have decided to hold off on his wish. The main reason being is that we would like a child that doesn't have much time to benefit from the money that would be used.” On reading Jessica’s application there was no way Community Windpower wouldn’t have helped support Jessica financially and they were delighted to hand over a cheque for £1000. Anouska, BeGreen Community Co-ordinator said, “When Jessica popped in I couldn’t believe the mammoth task she was taking on but she was so passionate and positive about it all. I am so pleased that we were able to contribute to this amazing fundraising event and the trip the children will have this Christmas. Jessica is one inspiring young lady and we would like to wish her all the best for her fundraising efforts and her Arctic Trip!!” Anouska caught up with Jessica on her return from her trip. “It was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. The temperatures dropped lower than expected and I had to get medical assistance on the first day, luckily we had a great team of medics on hand to help me out and I was back out on the trek in no time. Nothing could have prepared me mentally for this trip. Although I trained hard physically, the -42 temperatures really drained me emotionally but the thought of all the “Wish” children kept me going. The day Anouska emailed me to say that Community Windpower had kindly donated £1000 to my target was the lowest day for me so this was a huge boost and picked me up so much. I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone at BeGreen Dunbar and Community Windpower this money will go so far and came at the perfect moment. I have to date raised around £7400 and money is still being counted. Thank you again. This will make the children very happy!” You can find out more about ‘The Wish Upon A Star’ charity here: www.whenyouwishuponastar.org.uk Picture shows Jessica on her final day in the Arctic and back in Dunbar receiving the £1000 donation. |